Sunday, August 24, 2008

All is well again!

I'm relieved to say that the plumbing in our house is functional again!

It was a clog in the main cast iron drain. Apparently the flushable wipes we use for Ben aren't so flushable. Our older cast iron drain is not as smooth as the newer ABS drain pipes so things get caught more easily. Ben will have to use regular TP like the rest of the world now. Oh well! :-)

Tim started work on a new shed for our back yard yesterday. My brother Steve (a.k.a. "The HammerMan"), and a friend of ours, Gregg, came and helped with the framing. Our house came with a metal shed which we outgrew that as soon as we moved in and we don't have a garage so we decided another shed was in order. It will be handy for the items that have had to spend the winters outside up until now, like tires, Ben's outdoor toys, patio set, etc. Will post pictures of the progress soon.

1 comment:

  1. so glad to hear things are back in order!
