Sunday, June 28, 2009

A bit of pink....

Am posting this layout here for my scrappy friends. I ventured out of my comfort zone with this one and used a bit of pink. Hot pink. Discovered that the pinks and oranges work well with many of my photos and have been using more pink ever since. Maybe it's hormonal? Menopause waiting in the wings? LOL

I choose the title because in my life I've come across people who have told me that although they think it's OK for guys to hunt, women shouldn't. (If course I whole-heartedly disagree with them! lol)

Another reason my thoughts have turned to "pink" is that another one of my dear friends is struggling with breast cancer. We'd hoped she was in remission, but new spots have showed up in other areas and she's undergoing treatment again. We hope and pray that she'll be healed!

Stay tuned, more pink to come! :)

~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.
~Charlotte Whitton


  1. I absolutely love this layout Mo! So much better to see it in real life!

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with her and you. {{hugs}}

  2. How awful for your friend! Our thoughts and prayers go out to her.
    We love your pages! Pink is a GREAT color and combined with orange! YES!!! No knocking meno! Mom says it's fabulous! She says what she wants to and does what she wants to and blames it all on meno! It works! haha

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  3. Mindy5:03 PM

    Love this LO... especially the QK turkey!!

  4. You know I love this one, Mo...great job!!

  5. Good to see you getting out of your norm and using the pink! Love the layout! so sorry to hear of your friend!
